Articles By This Author

 News Medicine

Dangerous immune response from fatty diet.

A new study by scientists at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) has found that a high-fat diet triggers a dangerous immune system reaction in abdominal fat, increasing

 News Technology

Battery Containers for Electric Cargo Ships

A US-based start-up, Fleetzero, has developed a battery system that can power container ships without local emissions. The eight-tonne battery containers, which are secured against

 News Physics

Creating 100 Million Degree Plasma

In a significant step towards commercializing nuclear fusion, Tokamak Energy has achieved a plasma temperature of 100 million degrees Celsius in its fusion reactor. The

 News Technology

Deadly SUVs: Are Bigger Cars to Blame?

A recent study conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) has investigated whether SUVs are more likely to be involved in fatal accidents

 News Physics

Erdős Conjecture Solved After 50 Years

In a breakthrough discovery, mathematicians have created a Steiner triple system with arbitrary waist size, proving the Erdös conjecture after 50 years. Paul Erdös, a

 News Medicine

Successful Human Gene Therapy Trial

A new gene therapy for Hemophilia A, a blood clotting disorder, has shown promising results in a clinical trial. Hemophilia A patients have limited production

 News Environment

Changing Airflow to Bring Rain

New research suggests that solar panels could potentially alter air currents and increase rainfall in dry coastal regions. Many coastal areas around the world have

 News Economics

Real Estate Prices in 2022

The German real estate market has been on an upward trajectory for years, with prices in major cities reaching unprecedented heights. While some experts are

 News Medicine

Mild and Short Side Effects of Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines

A recent study conducted in the United States has found that Covid-19 mRNA vaccines typically only cause mild and short-term side effects. The need for

 News Medicine

Early and Affordable Alzheimer’s Detection

A new blood test for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease has received market approval in the US and EU. The “Precivity AD-Bloodtest” is not only