Articles By This Author

 News Astronomy

Revolutionizing Alien Search with Laser

A new analysis tool has been developed that can accurately examine complex connections related to life. The device is expected to aid in the search

 News Astronomy

Unusual UFO Sightings Confirmed by US Intelligence

Over 500 UFO sightings have been reported to authorities in the United States, with some possessing “unusual characteristics” that require further investigation. According to the

 News Astronomy

Habitable Exoplanet Discovered

NASA’s TESS space telescope has discovered a second potentially habitable exoplanet in the TOI-700 system, located about 100 light-years away. The planet, named TOI-700e, is

 News Astronomy

8 Super Hot Stars Discovered

Astronomers have made a groundbreaking discovery, identifying eight of the hottest stars in the universe. These stars were found by an international team of astronomers,

 News Astronomy

Farthest Stars in Milky Way Found

In approximately four billion years, the Andromeda galaxy and the Milky Way will merge, according to calculations. Recent distance measurements show that the halos of

 News Astronomy

Comet Approaching Earth

A comet named C/2022 E3 (ZTF) is currently approaching Earth and is expected to increase in brightness over the next few weeks. The Zwicky Transient

 News Astronomy

Preventing Space Debris with Brake Sails

A new technology has been developed that can help prevent space debris by slowing down satellites and causing them to burn up faster in the

 News Astronomy

Black Holes Reach 1/10 Light Speed

Astronomers have long believed that black holes can only reach speeds of around 5000 km/s. However, new research from the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)

 News Astronomy

Satellite Ferry: A Start-up Innovation

A new system developed by start-up Outpost aims to bring retired satellites back to Earth for refurbishment and reuse. Satellites typically have a lifespan of

 News Astronomy

Germany’s Spaceport Launches Operations This Year

Germany’s first spaceport is set to begin operations in 2023, with regular rocket launches carrying small satellites into space from a floating platform in the