Articles By This Author

 News Chemistry

Efficient Fuel Production from CO

A new photokatalysis system has been developed that is more efficient than natural photosynthesis. This system can convert CO2 in water into methane and hydrogen,

 News Archeology

Climate Change and the Tibetan Empire

The historical rise and fall of the Tibetan Empire was influenced by climate change, according to a study by researchers from the Chinese Academy of

 News Biology

Microbes Unveil Evolution’s Complex Mysteries

Asgard-Archaea: The Common Ancestor of Complex Life on Earth Prokaryotes, a group of cellular organisms that lack a nucleus, including bacteria and archaea, were the

 News Medicine

Phone use lowers sperm count

A recent study conducted by the University of Busan found that men who wish to conceive should reduce their mobile phone usage, as it may

 News Medicine

Insects in Food Aid Weight Loss

Insects and other foods containing chitin, a widely distributed biomolecule found in the exoskeletons of insects and shells of crustaceans, have been found to trigger

 News Medicine

Surprising Link Found Between Dementia and Physical Work

A new study by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health has found a paradoxical link between physical activity at work and the risk of cognitive

 News Medicine

Red Meat: Not as Unhealthy?

A new study has found that it is not red meat that causes inflammation, but rather the weight of the individuals consuming it. Inflammation is

 News Medicine

Revolutionizing Medicine with Artificial Life

A recent breakthrough in the study of hybrid peptide-DNA nanostructures suggests that artificial organisms could soon be used in medicine. These organisms could potentially be

 News Medicine

New Human Taste Discovered

A new sixth taste has been identified by researchers at the University of Southern California. The classic tastes of sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami

 News Medicine

Heatwaves Increase Substance Abuse

A recent study has revealed that extreme heat leads to an increase in hospitalizations due to drug and alcohol abuse. This could be a severely