Articles By This Author

 News Biology

Megalodon’s Body Temperature Revealed

New research has shed light on the Megalodon, the giant prehistoric shark, revealing that it was able to maintain a body temperature that was about

 News Biology

Hummingbirds drink alcohol daily

Kolibris, the tiny birds known for their love of nectar, have been found to consume alcohol on a daily basis. Researchers at the University of

 News Biology

Virgin Birth Observed in Crocodile

In a groundbreaking discovery, biologists at Virginia Tech have observed parthenogenesis, or virgin birth, in a female American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) in Costa Rica. Parthenogenesis

 News Archeology

Ancient Dutch “Stonehenge” Unearthed

A 4,000-year-old cult site similar to England’s Stonehenge has been discovered in the Netherlands. The site, located in Tiel, about 50 kilometers southeast of Utrecht,

 News Medicine

New Health Benefits of Fatty Fish

A diet rich in fatty fish has been found to improve the lipophilic index in individuals with coronary heart disease or impaired glucose metabolism. Researchers

 News Medicine

Kids Wearing Diapers More Often

The increasing number of children wearing diapers in Swiss schools has become a cause for concern. This phenomenon is not limited to Switzerland but is

 News Archeology

Mass Graves Found at Stonehenge

In a recent discovery near Stonehenge, mass graves from the Neolithic and Bronze Age were found, highlighting the archaeological significance of the region. Despite Stonehenge

 News Medicine

Slow Thinking: A Sign of Intelligence

A new study conducted by researchers at the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) has found that people with high IQs actually have slower brains. The

 News Medicine

Climate Change Increases Premature Birth Risk

The risk of premature births increases with rising temperatures, and in Germany, the number of premature births could double by 2033 due to climate change.

 News Medicine

Painless Vaccine Patch Coming Soon

Biotech company Vaxxas has developed a vaccine patch that can administer vaccines painlessly and needle-free in seconds. The majority of vaccines can only be administered