Articles By This Author

 News Medicine

“Broken Heart” Affects Physical Health

The loss of loved ones can have a significant impact on both mental and physical health. Researchers at the University of Arizona have investigated whether

 News Biology

4,000-Year-Old Plague DNA Found

The discovery of bones from mass graves in the UK has revealed that the plague reached Britain around 4,000 years ago. Researchers from the University

 News Biology

Climate change shrinks deep-sea fish

The warming of the oceans has caused deep-sea fish to become significantly smaller, according to a study by the University of Vienna and the Institute

 News Biology

Allergy-Friendly Eggs from Genetically Modified Chickens

In a groundbreaking development, scientists at Hiroshima University have genetically modified chickens to lay eggs that do not contain the protein Ovomucoid, a common allergen

 News Archeology

Non-binary people found in Bronze Age

Archaeological findings reveal that non-binary individuals existed in the Bronze Age, whose gender identity differed from their biological sex. This suggests that prehistoric societies did

 News Medicine

Married Seniors Have Lower Dementia Risk

Married seniors with long-lasting marriages are less likely to develop dementia than those who are single. This risk decreases even further if the married couple

 News Medicine

Detecting Dementia 9 Years Early

A new study has found that early signs of dementia can be detected up to nine years before symptoms appear through health data and cognitive

 News Chemistry

Arctic-Inspired Fabric: Lighter and Warmer

Scientists have discovered how polar bears actively use sunlight to maintain their body temperature, leading to the development of a synthetic material that is lighter

 News Chemistry

Artificial Photosynthesis Generates Protein from CO?

In a bid to address the growing concern of food security and environmental sustainability, researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have developed a

 News Medicine

Chinese Top Researcher Doesn’t Rule Out Lab-Origin of Covid-19

In a surprising turn of events, a leading scientist who headed the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) during the Covid-19 pandemic has