Articles By This Author

 News Archeology

Ancient Fossils Reveal Miniature World

A unique fossil site has been discovered in Wales, containing over 150 mostly tiny species. The site provides new insights into the diversity of life

 News Medicine

Opening Blood-Brain Barrier with Ultrasound

A breakthrough in cancer treatment has been made by scientists at Northwestern University in the US, who have developed a method of temporarily opening the

 News Chemistry

New electrolysis process produces hydrogen from saltwater.

A breakthrough in electrolysis technology has been achieved by scientists at Tianjin University, who have developed a method for producing hydrogen from salty seawater with

 News Medicine

New Lung Cancer Risk Factor Found

A new study has found that disrupted circadian rhythms, or biological clocks, may increase the risk of developing lung cancer. While smoking is a well-known

 News Archeology

Maya Calendar Mystery Solved

Maya civilization is renowned for its astronomical knowledge, which they used to create three different calendars. One of these calendars, the K’awill, was 819 days

 News Medicine

Car Noise Increases Risk of Anxiety and Depression

A recent study commissioned by the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) has found that exposure to constant traffic noise can increase the risk of anxiety

 News Medicine

Reverse Aging Process Quickly

Aging is a natural process that affects all living beings, and humans are no exception. However, recent research has shown that the biological age of

 News Medicine

Rise in Cannabis-Related Suicide Attempts

The legalization of cannabis in the United States has led to a significant increase in suicidal attempts involving the drug, according to a study by

 News Biology

Tully Monster Mystery Solved?

The Tully-Monster, an ancient creature that lived 300 million years ago, has long been a mystery to scientists. Discovered in the 1950s in the Mazon

 News Medicine

Heart Miniatures Grown from Stem Cells

A groundbreaking development in the field of regenerative medicine has been made by researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). They have successfully created