Articles By This Author

 News Chemistry

Hydrogen Stored as Powder

In the search for a safe and economical way to store hydrogen, scientists worldwide have made a breakthrough. An Australian research team from Deakin University

 News Biology

Alcohol protects wheat from drought

Alcohol Increases Wheat’s Drought Tolerance, Providing a Cheaper Alternative to Genetic Modification The University of Arkansas has conducted a study that shows that global wheat

 News Biology

Remote-Controlled Insect Cyborg

In Japan, scientists at the Riken Cluster for Pioneering Research have developed an insect cyborg that can be controlled remotely and powered by solar energy.

 News Biology

Europe’s Largest Dinosaur Unearthed

In Portugal, the discovery of what is believed to be the largest dinosaur skeleton in Europe has been made. The sauropod lived approximately 150 million

 News Biology

Ancient Megalodon Preyed on Orcas

The Megalodon was a prehistoric giant shark that has been extinct for around 3.6 million years. While its exact appearance can only be speculated today,

 News Biology

Last European Giant Panda Found

Six million years ago, the last European giant panda lived in the swamp forests of Bulgaria. The species likely went extinct due to climate change,

 News Biology

Microplastics Harmless to Fish and Consumers

A recent study conducted by the Thünen Institute for Fisheries Ecology has found that microplastics in the North and Baltic Seas do not pose a

 News Biology

Reviving Tasmanian Tiger with Genetic Engineering

The Tasmanian Tiger, also known as the Thylacine, has been extinct for 86 years. However, scientists are now attempting to revive the largest predatory marsupial

 News Biology

Invasive Species Cause Billions in Damage

Invasive amphibians and reptiles have caused economic damages of approximately 16.5 billion euros between 1986 and 2020. The majority of these damages are attributed to

 News Biology

Nettle animal solves evolution puzzle

The discovery of fossilized soft tissues from the 514 million-year-old marine creature Gangtoucunia aspera has solved a mystery about the evolution of the first skeletal