Articles By This Author

 News Biology

Insects Impact Weather Patterns

Insect swarms have been found to have an impact on weather and the transportation of air particles due to their electric charge. Desert locusts, which

 News Biology

Nettle animal solves evolution puzzle

The discovery of fossilized soft tissues from the 514 million-year-old marine creature Gangtoucunia aspera has solved a mystery about the evolution of the first skeletal

 News Biology

Wildfires Sped Up Earth’s Biggest Extinction

At the end of the Permian period, almost all life on Earth died out due to extreme fires that accelerated climate change with their CO2

 News Chemistry

Waste to Hydrogen Storage Solution

A new recycling process has been discovered that could revolutionize the production of metal hydride storage for hydrogen fuel. Metal hydride storage is a promising

 News Biology

Bacteria create rocket biofuel

Scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have used genetically modified bacteria to create a new biofuel for rockets that outperforms gasoline, kerosene, and rocket

 News Chemistry

Human Enzyme Breaks Down Plastic

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have found an enzyme in human saliva that can efficiently break down PET plastic into its basic components. While it

 News Chemistry

Efficient Hydrogen Battery Developed

A highly efficient hydrogen battery made from affordable materials has been developed by scientists at the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis (LIKAT) in Germany. The battery

 News Biology

1,000 Bacteria Species Found in Tibetan Glaciers

Chinese researchers have discovered numerous unknown bacteria in Tibetan glacier ice. Some of the microorganisms were subsequently cultivated in the laboratory for further analysis. Microbes

 News Biology

Frozen Woolly Mammoth Baby Found in Canada

Gold miners in the Yukon region of Canada have stumbled upon the most well-preserved mammoth ever found in North America. The woolly mammoth baby, which

 News Chemistry

Plant-based coating preserves food longer.

A new plant-based coating has been developed that can replace plastic packaging and keep food fresh. The coating is made from biopolymers derived from food