Articles By This Author

 News Biology

AI detects pig emotions

A new study has shown that artificial intelligence (AI) can detect the mood of pigs based on their sounds. This technology could improve the quality

 News Chemistry

40,000 Chemical Weapons Developed in 6 Hours

In just six hours, a team of scientists from Collaborations Pharmaceuticals in Raleigh, USA, used artificial intelligence (AI) to identify 40,000 toxic molecules that could

 News Biology

Gill-less Tadpoles Created

Scientists Create Oxygen-Producing Tadpoles through Photosynthesis In a recent study, scientists from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) have created tadpoles that produce oxygen through photosynthesis, without

 News Chemistry

Hydrogen Leak Warning Supraparticles

A new sensor made of supraparticles has been developed by scientists at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) in Germany to detect the presence of hydrogen gas.

 News Biology

Glowing Silk Moths with Quantum Food

Seidenraupen, die mit Kohlenstoff-Quantenpunkten gefüttert werden, produzieren Kokons und Seide, die unter sichtbarem Licht stark rot leuchten. Die Forschung hat seit Langem versucht, Seidenraupen so

 News Biology

Megalodon’s Maximum Size in Cold Waters

A recent study has revealed that the Megalodon, an extinct species of shark, only reached its enormous size in colder regions of the ocean. The

 News Chemistry

Record-breaking fluorescent aluminum compound discovered.

A new aluminum compound has achieved a quantum yield of one in its dissolved state, a level of fluorescence that has not been achieved in

 News Chemistry

Modified bacteria produce industrial chemicals.

Scientists at Northwestern University in Evanston and LanzaTech have developed a biotechnological process that makes the production of the chemicals acetone and isopropanol less harmful

 News Chemistry

Plastic particles fuel fat cells.

Plastic chemicals have been suspected of affecting weight, hormones, and metabolism. A recent study has confirmed that these chemicals, known as endocrine disruptors, do indeed

 News Chemistry

2D Polymer: Stronger Than Steel

A new plastic material has been developed that is harder than bulletproof glass and has a higher tensile strength than construction steel. This material could