Articles By This Author

 News Chemistry

Unmeltable Ice Made from Water

Revolutionary Super-Ice Developed for Sustainable Food Cooling A new type of ice has been developed by scientists at the University of California in Davis (UC

 News Biology

Tiny Land Snail Smaller Than Sand

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers from the Senckenberg Research Institute have found the world’s smallest known land snail in cave sediments in Northern Vietnam. The

 News Chemistry

Liquid Metal CO2 Capture

A new method for carbon dioxide capture has been developed by scientists at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) in Australia. The process involves

 News Biology

Killer Whales Hunt Earth’s Largest Animal

In a surprising discovery, researchers from the Cetacean Research Centre have found that killer whales, also known as orcas, are not just hunting great white

 News Biology

Strange Sea Worm Found in Japan

In the waters off the coast of Japan, a new species of branched marine worm has been discovered. The worm’s body repeatedly splits at the

 News Biology

Discovering Thousands of Unknown Insect Species in Germany

Scientists have discovered thousands of unknown insect species, also known as Dark Taxa, in Bavaria using DNA barcoding. The global scientific community has only identified

 News Chemistry

Indestructible Chemicals Destroyed by Heat

Scientists have developed a method to break down per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), which were previously considered indestructible. PFAS are oil and water repellent and

 News Biology

Antarctic’s Largest Fish Breeding Ground Discovered

In a surprising discovery during an expedition in Antarctica, researchers have stumbled upon the largest fish breeding ground on Earth. The area contains approximately 60

 News Biology

French Bulldog: Prone to Health Issues

French Bulldogs at High Risk for Health Problems, Study Finds French Bulldogs, known for their round eyes, upright ears, and flat snouts, are one of

 News Chemistry

Palladium Nanoparticles Store Hydrogen

A new technology based on “nanopralines” made of palladium could simplify the use of hydrogen as a climate-neutral fuel by reducing the amount of energy