Articles By This Author

 News Biology

River Hippos in Ancient Germany

During the last Ice Age, hippos lived in the Upper Rhine Valley between Frankfurt and Basel. Today, these warm-loving animals are only found in Africa.

 News Chemistry

Hydrogen from Hydrogen Sulfide

A new process has been developed that can produce pure hydrogen from toxic hydrogen sulfide. The process is set to be tested on an industrial

 News Biology

Reviving Woolly Mammoths: Jurassic Park?

In a groundbreaking move, a team of scientists led by George Church from Harvard University has received $15 million in funding to bring the woolly

 News Archeology

Ancient Roman shipwreck found near Sicily.

In a recent discovery, employees of the environmental protection agency ARPA have found the remains of a Roman shipwreck in the Mediterranean Sea. Underwater archaeology

 News Biology

Ancient Stone Coral Found in Great Barrier Reef

In the Great Barrier Reef, a 430-year-old stone coral with a record diameter has been discovered. The extremely resilient Porites coral has survived around 80

 News Chemistry

E. coli bacteria create vanilla aroma

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers at the University of Edinburgh have found a way to produce vanillin, a key ingredient in the food and cosmetics

 News Biology

Ocean algae produces biofuel.

Scientists from the Japan Agency for Marine Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) have discovered a single-celled marine algae in the Arctic Ocean that can produce

 News Biology

Tiny Tubes May Be Oldest Fossil

In a seemingly unremarkable rock, the remains of some deep-sea sponges could be found. If they are as old as some scientists suspect, they would

 News Archeology

Sunken Egyptian City Reveals Galley Wreck

Archaeologists have discovered a 25-meter-long galley in the remains of the sunken city of Thonis-Herakleion in the Mediterranean Sea. The city was devastated by an

 News Biology

Chimpanzees Attack Gorillas: First Time

In a shocking discovery, scientists from the University of Osnabrück and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology have observed large groups of chimpanzees deliberately