Articles By This Author

 News Biology

New Bird Species Found in New Guinea

In the outer southwest of Papua New Guinea, an international research team has discovered a new bird species, Melanocharis citreola, in the Kumawa Mountains. The

 News Chemistry

New Method Removes Hormones from Drinking Water

A new method has been developed that can remove up to 98% of micro-pollutants from drinking water. Traditional water purification and treatment technologies are unable

 News Biology

New Giant Dinosaur Found in Australia

Australotitan cooperensis, the largest dinosaur ever found in Australia, has been discovered after 15 years of excavation. The dinosaur was estimated to be as long

 News Biology

New Giant Squirrel Species Discovered

The elusive rock flying squirrel, a mammal that can grow up to a meter long and weigh two and a half kilos, has been found

 News Biology

Impressive Immune System of Canaries

Kanary birds are one of the oldest domesticated birds, known for their vibrant colors and beautiful singing. However, recent research has revealed that these seemingly

 News Biology

First fossil of nesting dinosaur found.

A groundbreaking discovery in China has revealed that dinosaurs incubated their eggs in a manner similar to modern-day birds. Palaeontologists have long known that most

 News Biology

Revival of Microorganisms After 24,000 Years

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have found a multi-cellular microorganism that has survived for 24,000 years in the Siberian permafrost. The organism, a type of

 News Biology

Single Gene Boosts Mouse Intelligence

The question of why humans are more intelligent than other living beings has long been a topic of scientific inquiry. One possible answer is that

 News Biology

Elephants suck water at 540 km/h

Elephants are known for their impressive trunks, which can be used for a variety of tasks. Researchers at Zoo Atlanta recently conducted an experiment to

 News Biology

Rare Material Found in Giant Snail’s Teeth

The Red-Giant African Land Snail, also known as the “Wandering Meatloaf,” may not look like much, but it possesses a remarkable material in its teeth.