Articles By This Author

 News Biology

Glowing deep-sea sharks found near New Zealand

Off the coast of New Zealand, scientists have discovered three species of glowing sharks, the first known sharks to exhibit bioluminescence. The physical properties of

 News Biology

Oldest Primate Fossils Unearthed

Newly discovered fossils reveal that the ancestors of humans lived on Earth at the same time as the last dinosaurs. The first forms of mammals

 News Archeology

Wine Production in Sicily under Islamic Rule

Archaeologists from the University of York have discovered that wine production and trade in Sicily were not only allowed but even expanded under Islamic rule.

 News Archeology

New excavation reveals 119 skulls.

A recent excavation in Tenochtitlan, Mexico has revealed 119 additional skulls at the Huei Tzompantli. These skulls belonged to enemies of the Aztecs and were

 News Chemistry

Geothermal Water in Germany Yields Lithium

The extraction of lithium has been known to cause significant environmental damage. However, a new pilot project is exploring the possibility of economically extracting the

 News Biology

Life found under 900m thick ice

In a surprising discovery, scientists from the British Antarctic Survey stumbled upon an unknown form of life during sediment sampling in the Antarctic. The team

 News Biology

Bio-plastic produced by manipulated cyanobacteria.

Revolutionizing Plastic Production with Manipulated Cyanobacteria The global plastic production is expected to increase by 40% in the next decade, which is a significant concern

 News Biology

Double-Penised Nano-Chameleon Discovered

The discovery of the world’s smallest chameleon species, Brookesia nana, has been made by a team of scientists led by Frank Glaw from the Zoological

 News Chemistry

World Record: Fabric Thinner Than Atom

Scientists at the University of Manchester have developed the thinnest fabric in the world using a chemical process. The mesh of chain-like organic molecules is

 News Biology

Giant Babies of Prehistoric Megalodon

US researchers have suggested that the offspring of the prehistoric giant shark, Otodus megalodon, were born with an astonishing size. According to the study published