Articles By This Author

 News Chemistry

Sustainable Electronics with Compostable Display

In a world where electronic waste is becoming an increasingly critical issue, scientists at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have developed a fully biodegradable

 News Biology

Pigs genetically modified with female organs

Scientists have used the CRISPR/Cas method, also known as gene scissors, to modify male pigs to develop female reproductive organs. This genetic modification prevents the

 News Biology

Amber Flower from Chalk Age

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have found a previously unknown genus of flowering plants from the Cretaceous period preserved in amber in Myanmar. Amber, which

 News Biology

Hong Kong Oysters: Natural Sea Filters

Austern play a crucial role in cleaning up the ocean, but their populations have been decimated by wild harvesting in Hong Kong. Once widespread along

 News Biology

Oldest Python Found Near Darmstadt

A 47.5 million-year-old fossil found near Darmstadt, Germany, has revealed that pythons originated on the northern continent of Laurasia. Today, anacondas, pythons, and boas are

 News Biology

Giant Sharks Don’t Hibernate

A recent study has challenged the belief that giant sharks living in warm coastal waters migrate to deeper waters during the colder months to hibernate.

 News Biology

Viking DNA reveals diverse origins

New DNA analyses have revealed that the stereotype of the blonde Viking from Scandinavia is false. The Vikings are known in European history as a

 News Chemistry

New Mask Disinfects Airborne Coronavirus

A new type of face mask has been developed by scientists at Northwestern University that could help to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The mask

 News Biology

Revolutionary Photosynthesis Produces Hydrogen

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers from the University of Bristol and the Polytechnic University of Harbin have developed a new method for producing hydrogen using

 News Biology

Ants use acid as disinfectant.

Ants Use Acid to Disinfect Themselves and Their Colony Ants are known for their stingers and biting tools, but they also possess a unique defense