Articles By This Author

 News Biology

64,000 Sea Turtles Spotted by Drone in Australia

In a stunning discovery, scientists have filmed around 64,000 green sea turtles gathering to lay their eggs on Raine Island, off the coast of Australia.

 News Archeology

Israel Shares Rare Islamic Texts

Israel has made a remarkable contribution to the world by making numerous ancient Islamic texts available on an online platform. The collection of around 2,500

 News Biology

Microbes Win in Atacama Desert

Researchers in the United States have discovered that bacteria can survive in extreme conditions in the Atacama Desert in Chile. The bacteria were found to

 News Biology

COVID-19: Bats and Ferrets for Animal Testing

German researchers have discovered two suitable animal candidates for testing potential vaccines and new medicines before human trials. The Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut is searching for animals that

 News Archeology

Mapping Ancient Roman City with Ground Radar

Archaeologists from the University of Cambridge have used ground-penetrating radar to create a detailed map of the ancient Roman city of Falerii Novi. The technique

 News Chemistry

Stable Silicon Carbonyl Complex Made

In a breakthrough discovery, researchers from the Justus-Liebig-University in Gießen and the University of Duisburg-Essen have found a cost-effective alternative to using rare and expensive

 News Archeology

17th Century Metal Coffin Unearthed

A strange metal container was discovered by workers during excavation for a residential building in Litzlberg, Austria. Upon closer inspection, it was revealed to be

 News Chemistry

Stinky Durian Linked to New Amino Acid

The Durian fruit, known for its creamy flesh and unique taste, is a popular delicacy in Southeast Asia. However, it is also infamous for its

 News Biology

Toxic and Unhealthy Paleo Diet

A recent study conducted by Norwegian researchers has revealed that the popular Paleo diet, which is based on the presumed eating habits of our Stone

 News Biology

Successful Controlled Cell Division with Artificial Cells

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute have made a breakthrough in the field of cell division. They have successfully replicated the process of controlled cell