Articles By This Author

 News Archeology

Ancient Babies Reveal Unique Death Ritual

Archaeological excavations in Ecuador have revealed a unique burial ritual that involved placing the heads of deceased babies and toddlers inside larger skulls before burial.

 News Chemistry

McDonald’s Fryer Oil Transformed into 3D Printing Material

In a groundbreaking development, scientists at the University of Toronto Scarborough have created a new resin for 3D printers using old cooking oil from McDonald’s.

 News Chemistry

Effective CO2 filtration from wet industrial emissions

In the face of increasing CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere and emissions, scientists have been working on solutions to filter the harmful gas out of

 News Biology

Lab-grown meat coming to supermarkets

Lab-grown meat, once an unaffordable luxury, is now on the verge of being introduced in supermarkets in the United States. In recent years, there has

 News Biology

Moths Hear Ultrasound Frequencies

The Great Wax Moth has an incredibly simple yet powerful hearing ability that can detect ultrasound up to 300 kHz. This is in stark contrast

 News Chemistry

Blue Energy: Replacing 2,000 Nuclear Plants

A new membrane could revolutionize the use of osmotic power plants, also known as “blue energy,” and potentially replace up to 2,000 nuclear power plants.

 News Biology

CO2-eating E. Coli bacteria

In a groundbreaking development, scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science have created a genetically modified strain of E. coli bacteria that can derive all

 News Chemistry

Power from pee: Microbial fuel cell

A microbial fuel cell that costs less than three euros can generate enough electricity from urine to charge a smartphone. This eco-friendly technology could be

 News Biology

Historic Number of Southern Right Whales

The population of humpback whales in the Southwest Atlantic has reached a historic high of approximately 25,000, according to a study published in the Royal

 News Chemistry

Paper waste used for carbon nanotubes

A new method of producing carbon nanotubes has been developed using old newspapers. Carbon nanotubes are tiny structures made up of one or more layers