Articles By This Author

 News Biology

Dachshunds reclaim urban territory

Dachses are making their way into urban areas, according to a recent study by Swiss researchers. Previously, these animals were only found on the outskirts

 News Biology

The Human’s GEO-Magnetic Sense

Humans May Have a Magnetic Sense, According to Study A new study from the California Institute of Technology suggests that humans may have a magnetic

 News Biology

Solarium for Chickens Boosts Egg Vitamin-D

In a bid to increase the Vitamin-D content in food, researchers at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) have found that chickens exposed to UV lamps for six

 News Chemistry

Sunlight, Water, CO2 = Kerosene

In a groundbreaking achievement, scientists from the SUN-to-LIQUID project have successfully operated a demonstration plant that produces kerosene from air using solar energy. The process

 News Biology

Plastic waste threatens oxygen-producing bacteria.

The increasing pollution of the oceans by plastic not only has negative consequences for fish and humans through the food chain, but also hinders the

 News Biology

Denisovan fossil found at 3,280m

A recent analysis of a bone found in 1980 has revealed that the Denisovan people, a now-extinct cousin of modern humans, not only lived in

 News Chemistry

Bacteria turn CO2 into plastic and fuel

Scientists at the University of Colorado have developed a Bio-Nano hybrid that uses microbes to produce carbon-containing products such as plastic and gasoline from CO2,

 News Chemistry

Toxic Hormone Found in Baby Socks

A recent study conducted in Spain has found the presence of the dangerous hormone Bisphenol A (BPA) in baby socks. BPA is known to disrupt

 News Chemistry

Fuel from Plastic Waste: Activated Carbon

Scientists at Washington State University have developed a new method of producing kerosene and diesel from plastic waste. The plastic is first ground into rice-sized

 News Biology

Mutation Causes Breathing Problems in Dogs

Scientists have discovered a gene mutation in dogs that is a major cause of severe breathing problems, in addition to the shape of their snouts.