Articles By This Author

 News Biology

Ancient Ammonite Found in Amber

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have found a 99 million-year-old ammonite preserved in amber in Myanmar. Ammonites, which are relatives of modern-day squids, have only

 News Biology

CRISPR Gene Editing Allowed in Russia

Russia is planning to revolutionize its commercial agriculture industry by using the controversial gene-editing tool CRISPR to develop 30 genetically modified organisms (GMOs) by 2027.

 News Biology

Fruit fly neurons mimic 1,400 cells

Fruchtfliegen have specially developed amacrine cells to process the information from their complex eyes. The CT1 nerve cells have isolated cell units that can process

 News Chemistry

Chemists turn CO2 into coal

Chemists at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia have developed a new process that can turn carbon dioxide (CO2) back into coal using liquid metals as

 News Chemistry

Record-breaking superconductors with lanthanum hydride

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz have developed a new superconductor that functions at minus 23 degrees Celsius, breaking the previous

 News Biology

Shark Hunting Seals Revealed in Video

New research has revealed that the hunting behavior of Great White Sharks varies significantly depending on their location. Scientists from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research

 News Archeology

Angkor Wat temple complex decaying

The famous temple complex of Angkor Wat is at risk of decay due to environmental factors such as groundwater and temperature fluctuations. The sandstone temples

 News Biology

Giant Predator Fossil Found in Africa

In a surprising discovery, paleontologists have found previously unnoticed bones in the archives of the Kenyan National Museum that belong to what is believed to

 News Biology

Wolf hunting leads to more livestock killings.

The paradoxical notion that hunting individual wild wolves increases the number of livestock killed by four percent in the following year has been confirmed by

 News Biology

Adapted Skeletons Help Fish Survive

In 2017, a new species of fish called Pseudoliparis swirei was discovered in the Mariana Trench at a depth of 8,134 meters. Despite the harsh