Articles By This Author

 News Chemistry

New Catalyst Makes Coal More Environmentally Friendly

The rising oil prices have brought the focus back on fuel production through coal liquefaction. Researchers have developed a new catalyst that significantly reduces CO2

 News Archeology

Opening 3,500-Year-Old Sarcophagus

In a groundbreaking discovery, archaeologists in the city of Luxor, Egypt have opened a sarcophagus in the Al-Asasif necropolis for the first time in front

 News Biology

Elephant tusks increasingly rare

The evolution of elephants in Mozambique is happening at an alarming rate, with fewer and fewer elephants developing tusks. Biologists believe that this is due

 News Archeology

Pyramid Construction: Evidence Revealed

Archaeologists have made a groundbreaking discovery near Luxor, Egypt, confirming a long-held theory about how the pyramids were built. The Cheops Pyramid, standing at 146.6

 News Chemistry

New Fiber Can Carry 800 Tons

Chinese scientists have developed a new fiber made from carbon nanotubes that can withstand a tensile load of around 800 tons despite its low weight.

 News Biology

Labrador Retriever’s Coat Affects Lifespan

Labrador Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world, known for their friendly and loyal nature. However, researchers from the University

 News Biology

Mysterious Asian Lion Killing Spree

A mysterious death toll among Asian lions in India’s Gir National Park has left park officials and scientists baffled. Over the past few weeks, at

 News Chemistry

New Super-Material Discovered by Researchers

In a groundbreaking development, researchers at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have created a new building material that is lighter than plastic and

 News Archeology

Oldest Intact Shipwreck Found in Black Sea

In a remarkable archaeological discovery, researchers have found what is believed to be the oldest intact shipwreck at the bottom of the Black Sea. The

 News Chemistry

Elemental Fluor Found in Nature

In a surprising discovery, researchers have found small amounts of elemental fluorine in a mineral called fluorspar, contradicting the long-held belief that this highly reactive