Articles By This Author

 News Archeology

New Sphinx discovered in Egypt.

In a recent discovery, archaeologists have found a well-preserved Sphinx in the southern Egyptian city of Aswan. However, this Sphinx is much smaller than its

 News Biology

Hefe challenges DNA uniqueness rule.

Scientists have discovered a type of yeast that challenges the general rule of DNA uniqueness. This yeast is the first known organism in which the

 News Archeology

Tower of Babel Brick Analysis

For the first time, the brick discovered in 1913, which is believed to have belonged to the Tower of Babel, was analyzed in a computed

 News Biology

New jellyfish species spreading in Baltic

A new species of jellyfish appears to be spreading in the Baltic Sea. Biologists from the University of Greifswald have discovered several specimens of the

 News Biology

Vegan Shark: Not Just Meat-Eater

A recent experiment has confirmed a long-held suspicion among biologists: the bonnethead shark is not a pure carnivore and enjoys eating seagrass. The bonnethead shark

 News Chemistry

Bend Small Diamonds Like Rubber

Diamonds, known for their strength and durability, have been found to be flexible and able to change their properties when reduced to nanoscale size. Researchers

 News Chemistry

Creating Hydrogen from Sunlight

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers at St. John’s College, Cambridge University have successfully altered the process of photosynthesis to produce large amounts of hydrogen and

 News Biology

New Mammal Species Found in Europe

A new species of mammal has been discovered in Europe, according to a team of researchers. The newly discovered species is a type of mole,

 News Archeology

Edersee’s Low Water Reveals Sunken Ruins

The Ederstausee in northern Hesse is currently only a quarter full due to the prolonged drought. However, this extreme low water level offers visitors a

 News Biology

Amur Leopard Population: Only 84

The Amur leopard, a subspecies of leopard, has been on the brink of extinction for decades. However, recent research has shown a significant improvement in