Articles By This Author

 News Biology

Once-a-Year Frog Unveiled

In the rainforests of India, biologists have discovered a peculiar species of frog that spends most of its life underground and only emerges once a

 News Biology

Paradox Method Protects Reindeer Successfully

The population of caribou in North America is declining due to the increasing number of wolves. However, a recent study has shown that the solution

 News Biology

Tasmanian Tiger: Not Extinct?

The Tasmanian Tiger, also known as the Thylacine, has been considered extinct since 1936. However, recent alleged sightings of the animal have prompted researchers to

 News Biology

New toxins discovered in cave crabs

A team of international researchers has made a groundbreaking discovery about Remipedia, a type of crustacean. These creatures, which resemble land-dwelling centipedes, live primarily in

 News Biology

Rising Resistance to Monsanto’s Glyphosate

Argentina’s farmers are facing a growing problem with glyphosate-resistant weeds that are spreading rapidly. A new herbicide to combat the resistant weed is not expected

 News Archeology

Unknown Tunnel Discovered Under Moon Pyramid

Archaeologists have made a groundbreaking discovery in the ancient city of Teotihuacán, Mexico. Using geoelectric scans, they have uncovered a tunnel system beneath the Moon

 News Biology

Firestorms Sweep Across Pacific

Millions of fireworms are currently flooding the waters of the North Pacific, leaving scientists puzzled as to why this is happening. These tube-shaped creatures have

 News Biology

Penguins at risk of extinction

A new model suggests that the Emperor penguins living in Antarctica could be extinct by the end of this century. Despite being able to withstand

 News Archeology

Massive sunken cities discovered in Cambodia.

A network of cities hidden under dense vegetation has been discovered in Cambodia, according to Australian archaeologist Dr. Damian Evans. Using LiDAR technology, which measures

 News Biology

Dinosaur-era tick found in amber

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers have found a previously unknown species of tick from the Cretaceous period preserved in amber. The perfectly preserved spider-like creature