Articles By This Author

 News Biology

Shark Skin: Key to Medical Breakthroughs?

Sharks possess a unique molecular biology that could serve as the basis for new medicines, according to a study by scientists at the Karolinska Institute.

 News Medicine

Microplastics found in human heart

A recent study conducted by the Capital Medical University (CMU) has found that microplastic particles can accumulate in the human heart and bloodstream. The study,

 News Medicine

Vaping Shrinks Testicles and Sperm Count

E-cigarettes Reduce Testicle Size and Sperm Count, Study Finds A new study has revealed that e-cigarettes may not be as harmless as many people believe.

 News Medicine

Resisting Chocolate and Temptations

The Brain Learns to Prefer Unhealthy Foods The typical Western diet is high in fat and sugar, and many people in industrialized countries prefer unhealthy

 News Medicine

Germany’s Life Expectancy in Europe

Germany Ranks Lowest in Life Expectancy Among Western European Countries A recent study conducted by the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) and the Max

 News Medicine

AI predicts pancreatic cancer prognosis.

A new study by researchers at Harvard Medical School and the University of Copenhagen has found that an artificial intelligence (AI) system can predict the

 News Medicine

Robot prints live cells in body.

A new robotic system has been developed that can print living cells directly onto organs and tissues inside the patient’s body. Bioprinting, the process of

 News Archeology

Lost Greek City Discovered

Ancient ruins of the significant city of Salamis have been discovered near Athens, providing new insights into the history of Greece. Meeresarchäologen, or marine archaeologists,

 News Biology

Were humans once scavengers?

A new study has shed light on the diet of early humans in Europe. The research, conducted by a team at the Centro Nacional de

 News Biology

Sperm Break Newton’s Third Law

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers at Kyoto University have uncovered how sperm are able to move through water despite the laws of physics dictating that