Articles By This Author

 News Archeology

300 Million-Year-Old Gear Raises Questions

A mysterious discovery has left scientists puzzled. An old piece of aluminum, measuring 13 millimeters in length, has been found to be artificially crafted and

 News Biology

Light disrupts bird mating season

New research has shown that the artificial light from street lamps and buildings in cities affects the mating season of birds. According to the study,

 News Biology

Rare Bacteria Create Tiny Gold Nuggets

In a remarkable discovery, Canadian scientists have found that a bacterium called Delftia acidovorans can transform harmful gold ions into tiny gold nuggets. The bacteria

 News Biology

Single-celled organism wiped out 90% of species

Over 90% of all living species on Earth were wiped out by the mass extinction event at the Permian-Triassic boundary around 251 million years ago.

 News Biology

Playing Dead: Baby Sharks’ Survival Tactic

In a fascinating discovery, researchers from the University of Western Australia have found that even shark embryos possess a survival instinct. The young of the

 News Biology

Black Piranha: Stronger Bite than T-Rex

The black piranha, a small fish found in the Brazilian Amazon, has been found to have a bite force 30 times stronger than its body

 News Biology

Surviving Bacteria in Antarctic Darkness

In a groundbreaking discovery, American scientists have found living microorganisms under the thick ice sheet of Lake Vida in Antarctica. These bacteria have been completely

 News Biology

Dogs Learn Words Differently

British researchers have discovered that dogs learn the names of new objects differently than humans. While young children tend to remember the characteristic shape of

 News Biology

Birth weight affects brain size.

A recent study conducted by an international team of researchers has found a correlation between birth weight and brain size later in life. However, the

 News Archeology

Stone Spearheads from 500,000 Years Ago

In a groundbreaking discovery, an international team of researchers has presented 500,000-year-old stone spearheads from South Africa. These findings are approximately 200,000 years older than