Articles By This Author

 News Biology

Rhinoceros Populations Rise Despite Poaching

The number of rhinos in Africa has significantly increased despite ongoing poaching, with plans to release 2,000 more rhinos into the wild. According to the

 News Biology

Glowing plants sold by biotech start-up

In a breakthrough development, Light Bio has successfully transferred the bioluminescence of a tropical fungus onto decorative plants, causing them to emit a green glow

 News Medicine

Discovery of Human Memory Variations

New Study Reveals Reasons for Differences in Memory Performance The memory performance of different individuals varies significantly, and researchers have now discovered the reasons behind

 News Archeology

Stone Age People Ate the Dead

In the Neolithic period, endocannibalism was widespread in Europe. Members of the Magdalenian culture would eat their dead instead of burying them. This practice was

 News Medicine

Cannabis Linked to Heart Risks

A new study from the University of Calgary has found that adults with cannabis use disorder have a significantly higher risk of experiencing serious cardiovascular

 News Medicine

Hobbies boost senior mental health.

Seniors who engage in hobbies have a higher level of life satisfaction, are less likely to experience depressive symptoms, and feel healthier. While it has

 News Medicine

Rising Obesity in Poor Nations

A recent study conducted by the Osaka Metropolitan University (OMU) has shed light on the increasing prevalence of obesity in many African countries. While hunger

 News Chemistry

Garlic breath remedy found

Garlic breath can be an unpleasant experience for many people, especially during a date or business dinner. However, researchers at Ohio State University have discovered

 News Chemistry

Revolutionary Material Extracts Water from Dry Desert Air

A new material called SHCP-10 has been developed that can absorb water from the air like a sponge and release it when exposed to sunlight.

 News Medicine

Nanotechnology aids eye cell cultivation.

A new nanostructure has been developed that could potentially restore vision to people suffering from age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and other vision impairments. AMD is