Wisk Aero, an aviation company, has unveiled the sixth generation of its autonomous flying taxi. The electric aircraft has a range of approximately 140 kilometers and can carry up to four passengers and their luggage. The aircraft’s design is similar to that of a conventional airplane, with a wingspan of 15 meters and twelve propellers located on the wings. The six propellers at the front of the wings can be rotated to allow for vertical takeoff and landing, while the six propellers at the back are responsible for lift. The aircraft can travel at a speed of around 220 km/h and has a cruising altitude of 2,500 to 4,000 feet.

The flying taxi can be charged in just 15 minutes and is designed to operate from “vertiports” located on the roofs of large buildings. Passengers can order the taxi using their smartphones and will be transported autonomously to their destination without a pilot on board. The aircraft will be monitored from a control center. Wisk Aero plans to begin commercial operations with its autonomous flying taxis in five years and has already applied for a license from the Federal Aviation Administration.

The development of autonomous flying taxis is seen as a potential solution to urban congestion and could revolutionize the way people travel. With the ability to take off and land vertically, these aircraft can operate from locations that are inaccessible to traditional aircraft, such as rooftops. The technology is still in its early stages, but companies like Wisk Aero are working to make it a reality. As the demand for more efficient and sustainable transportation options grows, the development of autonomous flying taxis could play a significant role in shaping the future of transportation.

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