Scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) have developed a new 3D printing material that allows for the creation of lightweight, porous, and robust objects such as bones and coral structures. While 3D printing has been used in the industry for some time to produce spare parts and components, it also has great potential for medical applications, such as Direct Sound Printing (DSP), a new 3D printing process that can be used directly in the body. However, not all materials can be reproduced with a 3D printer, and bones, for example, need to be both robust and lightweight while also being porous. In the past, researchers have tried to create the necessary material properties by adding mineral particles, but this often resulted in cracking or shrinking of the 3D-printed object during drying.

The EPFL scientists have now developed a new printing material that can be used to print bones and other porous, lightweight objects such as coral structures. According to their publication in the journal Materials Today, the ink contains a bacterium that produces calcium carbonate when it comes into contact with a urea-containing solution. The 3D-printed form then mineralizes within four days to a bone-like material. To ensure that the end product does not contain living bacteria, it is immersed in ethanol (alcohol) after the mineralization process. In addition to medical applications, the innovative 3D printing material is also suitable for repairing artworks or producing artificial corals that could help regenerate damaged coral reefs.

This breakthrough in 3D printing technology could revolutionize the medical industry, allowing for the creation of custom-made bones and other implants that are both lightweight and strong. It could also have a significant impact on the environment, as the production of artificial corals could help restore damaged marine ecosystems. The EPFL scientists’ research is a testament to the power of innovation and the potential of technology to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems.

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