BDSM: Healthy and Happy Sexual Practitioners

Many people view BDSM sexual practices negatively, often accompanied by terms such as “perverted,” “abnormal,” or “disturbed.” However, a recent representative study from the Netherlands shows that it is precisely those who practice BDSM who are happier and healthier than those who engage in “vanilla” sex. BDSM is a broad term that encompasses sexual practices involving dominance and submission, playful punishment, and pleasure pain and/or bondage. It is also prevalent worldwide and popular in all social classes. According to an American study, five to 25 percent of the population enjoys this sexual practice.

Psychologist Dr. Andreas Wismeijer from Tilburg University conducted psychological tests on participants and concluded that those who engage in BDSM practices are mentally stable, healthier, and happier in their relationships than those who prefer “normal sex.” Wismeijer believes that “BDSM practitioners are more outgoing, open to new experiences, and less neurotic. They do not differ from the general population, and if they do, they always perform better.”

Of the participants, 33 percent of men reported being submissive, 48 percent were dominant, and 18 percent were switchers (both dominant and submissive). Among women, 75 percent were submissive, eight percent were dominant, and 16 percent were switchers. The role taken during sex games also provides insight into personality, with those who often take the dominant role being mentally stronger. These individuals are the most balanced and least susceptible to social rejection within the group. Switchers fall in the middle.

Although submissives rank last within the group, they still perform better than those who do not practice BDSM sexual practices. The exact reason why BDSM practitioners are happier and healthier is still unknown, but researchers are sure that engaging in BDSM sexual practices cannot be classified as a mental disorder.

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