Bill Gates, the Microsoft founder and philanthropist, has warned in an interview with the Financial Times that a new, more dangerous variant of the coronavirus could emerge. Gates believes that it is essential to develop a better vaccine to combat this potential threat. He fears that the risk of a new mutation of SARS-CoV-2, which is even more transmissible and deadly, is “far over 5%.” Gates stresses that the Covid-19 pandemic is far from over, and we may have the worst yet to come. He hopes that a more effective vaccine will be developed in the future, as the current vaccines cannot provide sterile immunity and lose their protection quickly after a booster.

In his recently published book, “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic,” Gates outlines how to prevent future pandemics. He believes that the establishment of an international rapid response team, called the GERM-Team, is the most critical step in preventing pandemics. The team would consist of about 3,000 specialists from various fields, including epidemiologists, data scientists, logistics experts, and communication and diplomacy experts, and would have the sole task of pandemic prevention. Gates stresses the importance of early detection and coordination among different countries to stop outbreaks before they become global pandemics.

Gates also emphasizes the need for further investment in diagnostic devices to detect new pathogens quickly and the construction of vaccine factories to produce vaccines quickly in the event of a pandemic. He believes that investing in pandemic prevention is crucial for the well-being of the world’s citizens. Gates hopes that his book and interviews will raise awareness of the importance of pandemic prevention and encourage governments and organizations to invest in this critical area.

In conclusion, Gates warns that the Covid-19 pandemic is far from over, and a new, more dangerous variant of the virus could emerge. He stresses the importance of developing a better vaccine and establishing an international rapid response team to prevent future pandemics. Gates hopes that his book and interviews will encourage governments and organizations to invest in pandemic prevention to protect the world’s citizens.

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