In a groundbreaking development, scientists at the University of Sydney have created a cap that can enhance creativity and intelligence with the push of a button. The cap, which is equipped with electrodes and small sponges, works by suppressing the activity of the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for tasks such as reading, calculating, and following rules. By doing so, the cap limits cognitive processes and allows the right hemisphere, which is responsible for creativity and intuition, to work more intensely. This results in the deactivation of distracting thought processes and the promotion of everything that enhances intelligence and creativity.

The cap has already shown promising results in trials with participants. When presented with complex math problems that have multiple creative solutions, 40% of participants were able to solve them in different and creative ways, without access to basic arithmetic functions. This was made possible by the access to unfiltered information in the right hemisphere of the brain, which allowed participants to approach the problems from a different and unbiased perspective.

This phenomenon of stimulating certain regions of the brain to increase intelligence and creativity is not new to science. Researchers have been studying accident victims with permanent damage to their left hemisphere for the past decade, and have found that their creativity and intelligence increased measurably and permanently after the accident. With this new cap, scientists can now artificially create this effect in laboratory settings. The possibilities for this technology are endless, and it could revolutionize the way we approach problem-solving and creativity in the future.

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