A new inhibitor could potentially treat tumors that were previously resistant to chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is still the most common treatment for cancer, but cancer cells are increasingly developing resistance to the drugs. To combat this, researchers at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg have been searching for inhibitors that can block the protein pumps that cancer cells use to transport chemotherapy drugs out of their cells. The team focused on the protein pump MRP4, which is known to pump out various chemotherapy drugs and is present in several types of cancer. The researchers used the structure of the protein pump to find chemical compounds that can dock onto it and block its function. They found that a group of 1,4-dihydropyridines, which are already approved for use in some blood pressure medications, showed promise in initial tests.

The researchers then tested the effect of the 1,4-dihydropyridines on cancer cell cultures with and without the MRP4 pump. They found that the inhibitor made previously resistant cancer cells almost as sensitive as cancer cells without the MRP4 pump. If further studies confirm the effectiveness of the inhibitor, it could potentially be used to treat tumors that were previously resistant to chemotherapy. However, more preclinical tests are needed to analyze the specificity of the tested compounds and to reduce any potential side effects. If these studies are successful, several years of clinical trials will be needed to confirm the effectiveness of the inhibitor in real patients.

This new inhibitor could be a game-changer in cancer treatment, as it could potentially treat tumors that were previously resistant to chemotherapy. The research team’s focus on the MRP4 protein pump is particularly promising, as it is present in several types of cancer. However, more research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of the inhibitor and to ensure its safety. If successful, this inhibitor could provide hope for cancer patients who have exhausted other treatment options.

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