Inspiratory muscle training (IMST) can significantly lower blood pressure in just a few weeks without the need for medication or exercise, according to a study by researchers at the University of Colorado. In Germany, between 20 and 30 million people suffer from high blood pressure, with the main causes being poor diet, stress, obesity, and lack of exercise. If left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to damage to the heart, brain, kidneys, and other organs, resulting in heart attacks, strokes, or kidney damage. While medication and regular exercise are recommended to lower blood pressure, many patients with high blood pressure struggle to adhere to the recommended 150 minutes of exercise per week.

The IMST technique involves breathing through a device that creates a high resistance, similar to a thick FFP2 mask, which strengthens the respiratory muscles and diaphragm, as well as training the autonomic nervous system, lungs, and heart. To test the effectiveness of IMST, the researchers conducted a study with 36 participants with high blood pressure between the ages of 50 and 79. Half of the participants were given an IMST device to use for five minutes a day, while the other half received a placebo device with a lower resistance. After the study period, the IMST group saw a significant reduction in blood pressure, from an average of 135 mmHg to just 126 mmHg, as well as a 45% improvement in arterial elasticity.

The researchers believe that the IMST technique could be a new therapy for high blood pressure that is more time-efficient and has a higher adherence rate than traditional exercise programs. However, the exact mechanism by which IMST lowers blood pressure is still unclear, and further studies are needed to investigate this. The researchers are also developing a smartphone app to help people with high blood pressure perform IMST at home. Before starting any new therapy, patients are advised to consult with their doctor.

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