A recent study conducted by Censuswide and ScrapCarComparison has found a correlation between the intelligence quotient (IQ) of drivers and the brand of their cars. The study involved approximately 2,000 participants who first took an IQ test and then reported the make and model of their cars. The researchers also collected data on the type of engine, color, and personalized license plates of the vehicles. The results of the study suggest that drivers of gasoline-powered cars have the highest IQ, while those who drive electric cars have the lowest.

According to the study, drivers of green Land Rovers with personalized license plates have the lowest IQ, with an average score of 88.58. On the other hand, Skoda drivers have the highest IQ, with an average score of 99. Among German car manufacturers, Mercedes drivers have the highest IQ, with an average score of 94.74. The study also found a correlation between the type of engine and the IQ of drivers, with gasoline-powered cars having the highest average IQ (94.35), followed by hybrids (93.89), diesel engines (92.91), and electric cars (90.19).

The study also revealed that intelligent drivers tend to prefer white (95.71), gray (94.97), and red (94.88) cars, while green cars (88.43) are the least popular among them. Additionally, the choice of license plate was found to be related to IQ, with drivers of random license plates having a higher IQ (94.15) than those with personalized plates (91.95). However, some experts have expressed doubts about the validity of the study due to the relatively small sample size.

While the study’s findings may be intriguing, it is important to take them with a grain of salt. The correlation between car brands and IQ may not be a reliable indicator of intelligence, and other factors may be at play. Nonetheless, the study provides an interesting insight into the relationship between drivers and their cars.

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