News Medicine

COVID-19 Linked to Brain Damage

A new study from the University of Oxford has found that Covid-19 can cause brain damage even in mild cases. The researchers analyzed brain scans

 News Biology

Europe’s Largest Dinosaur Unearthed

In Portugal, the discovery of what is believed to be the largest dinosaur skeleton in Europe has been made. The sauropod lived approximately 150 million

 News Medicine

Human Brain Neurons Misbehave

The human brain has fewer ion channels than expected, which may be a strategy to save energy for other neural processes. Researchers from the Massachusetts

 News Economics

Fewer Low-Income Earners in Germany

The number of low-wage earners in Germany has decreased in recent years, according to a study by the Economic and Social Sciences Institute (WSI) of

 News Medicine

BioNTech’s Child Vaccine: Low Side Effects

A recent study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States has revealed that the BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for

 News Biology

Ancient Megalodon Preyed on Orcas

The Megalodon was a prehistoric giant shark that has been extinct for around 3.6 million years. While its exact appearance can only be speculated today,

 News Environment

Speeding Drivers in German Cities

German cities have a problem with speeding drivers, according to data from navigation provider TomTom. Traffic psychologists attribute this to the design of the roads

 News Psychology

Career failure leads to breakups

A new study conducted by the German Youth Institute (DJI) has found that young couples are more likely to break up if the man’s career

 News Technology

Innovative Wind Turbine Developed by Company

Norwegian company World Wide Wind is developing an innovative offshore wind power plant that is expected to surpass the power output of current facilities. The

 News Medicine

Why not all smokers get lung cancer.

A recent report from the Robert Koch Institute reveals that approximately 59,700 people are diagnosed with lung cancer in Germany every year. The number of