News Economics

Electric cars more accident-prone

Electric cars are involved in accidents with damage to their own vehicles much more frequently than cars with combustion engines, according to Swiss insurance company

 News Environment

New Sun Record in Germany

Germany Sets New Sun Record in 2022 Germany has experienced a new sun record in 2022, according to the German Weather Service (DWD). The particularly

 News Environment

Effective Climate Actions for Road Traffic

A new study has revealed that Germany must significantly reduce its CO2 emissions in the transport sector to achieve its goal of becoming climate-neutral by

 News Biology

Last European Giant Panda Found

Six million years ago, the last European giant panda lived in the swamp forests of Bulgaria. The species likely went extinct due to climate change,

 News Environment

Start-up allegedly begins geoengineering.

Make Sunsets, a start-up company, has reportedly begun geoengineering by releasing sulfur dioxide into the upper atmosphere to reflect sunlight and interrupt climate change. This

 News Biology

Microplastics Harmless to Fish and Consumers

A recent study conducted by the Thünen Institute for Fisheries Ecology has found that microplastics in the North and Baltic Seas do not pose a

 News Geology

New Hydrothermal Field Discovered in Greenland’s Deep Sea

A recent expedition by the University of Bremen has discovered a large hydrothermal field in the deep sea between Greenland and Spitsbergen, despite the low

 News Economics

German workers face 3.6% pay cut

The real incomes of many German employees covered by collective bargaining agreements are significantly decreasing due to high inflation, despite already agreed-upon wage increases. According

 News Biology

Reviving Tasmanian Tiger with Genetic Engineering

The Tasmanian Tiger, also known as the Thylacine, has been extinct for 86 years. However, scientists are now attempting to revive the largest predatory marsupial

 News Biology

Invasive Species Cause Billions in Damage

Invasive amphibians and reptiles have caused economic damages of approximately 16.5 billion euros between 1986 and 2020. The majority of these damages are attributed to