News Medicine

Germany’s Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate Decision

The German Bundestag has just voted on a general Covid-19 vaccination mandate for all citizens over the age of 60. The proposal, put forward by

 News Medicine

Radiation from devices causes obesity.

Mobile phone radiation affects human food intake and is therefore a risk factor for obesity, according to a study by scientists at the University of

 News Biology

Frozen Woolly Mammoth Baby Found in Canada

Gold miners in the Yukon region of Canada have stumbled upon the most well-preserved mammoth ever found in North America. The woolly mammoth baby, which

 News Environment

Preventing Airplane Contrails with AI

A new artificial intelligence (AI) developed by scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) could soon reduce the formation of contrails from airplanes, which

 News Medicine

Alcohol speeds up brain aging

Alcohol consumption, even in small amounts, can cause a significant aging process in the brain. According to a recent study by the University of Pennsylvania,

 News Environment

Green Parties Benefit from Climate Change

A new study has linked weather data with election results for the first time, revealing that extreme temperatures lead to an increase in votes for

 News Medicine

Implant Enables Paralyzed to Walk

A new implant that stimulates the spinal cord through electrical impulses is allowing paraplegics to walk again. Scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

 News Medicine

Boosted Individuals 97x Less Likely to Die from Covid-19

The risk of dying from Covid-19 is 14 times lower for those who have received a two-dose vaccine, and 97 times lower for those who

 News Medicine

New approach to combat hunger cravings

A new study has found that a liver hormone is responsible for causing hunger pangs during diets, making it difficult for overweight individuals to lose

 News Medicine

COVID Vaccine Affects Women’s Periods

A new study confirms that the COVID-19 vaccine can affect menstruation in women. According to the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), the vaccine can