News Biology

Megalodon’s Maximum Size in Cold Waters

A recent study has revealed that the Megalodon, an extinct species of shark, only reached its enormous size in colder regions of the ocean. The

 News Environment

Changing Airflow to Bring Rain

New research suggests that solar panels could potentially alter air currents and increase rainfall in dry coastal regions. Many coastal areas around the world have

 News Economics

Real Estate Prices in 2022

The German real estate market has been on an upward trajectory for years, with prices in major cities reaching unprecedented heights. While some experts are

 News Medicine

Mild and Short Side Effects of Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines

A recent study conducted in the United States has found that Covid-19 mRNA vaccines typically only cause mild and short-term side effects. The need for

 News Chemistry

Record-breaking fluorescent aluminum compound discovered.

A new aluminum compound has achieved a quantum yield of one in its dissolved state, a level of fluorescence that has not been achieved in

 News Medicine

Early and Affordable Alzheimer’s Detection

A new blood test for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease has received market approval in the US and EU. The “Precivity AD-Bloodtest” is not only

 News Geology

Alien Minerals Found in Meteorite

In a recent study of the El Ali meteorite found in Somalia, scientists have discovered two new minerals that have never been found on Earth

 News Environment

Replacing Concrete with Wood in Construction?

The production of concrete is responsible for a significant amount of global CO2 emissions. A recent study has explored whether the construction industry can replace

 News Technology

Bayern gets Hyperloop test track.

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is constructing a test track for its Hyperloop in Bavaria. The vacuum tube will allow the floating capsules to

 News Physics

Creating Parallel Time Dimensions in Quantum Computers

A team of physicists at the Center for Computational Quantum Physics at the Flatiron Institute has created a never-before-seen phase of matter in a quantum