News Medicine

New Sports Therapies from Movement Metabolism Atlas

A new study has shed light on the effects of exercise on the body at different times of the day. The “Atlas of Movement Metabolism”

 News Medicine

Health Impacts of Mobile Technology?

Austrian scientists have conducted a metastudy of 167 research papers to determine whether mobile phone radiation affects human health. The study was carried out by

 News Medicine

1 in 3 experience side effects from Covid-19 placebo vaccine

A third of participants in a placebo Covid-19 vaccine trial reported experiencing side effects such as fatigue, headaches, and local reactions like pain at the

 News Chemistry

Indestructible Chemicals Destroyed by Heat

Scientists have developed a method to break down per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), which were previously considered indestructible. PFAS are oil and water repellent and

 News Medicine

Flu epidemic warning until summer

The flu season of 2021/2022 could extend into the summer due to reduced measures against Covid-19. Lockdowns, masks, and social distancing as a norm prevented

 News Medicine

Rise in Child Poisonings with Cannabis Legalization

The legalization of cannabis in Canada has led to a significant increase in cannabis poisoning cases among children. According to data from the Ottawa Hospital

 News Economics

Wealthiest Double Fortunes Amid Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a significant increase in social inequality, according to data from the organization Oxfam. The wealth of the world’s ten

 News Environment

Beware of Artificial Sunlight Reduction

Scientists have issued a warning against the artificial reduction of sunlight, citing the risks of solar geoengineering as too great. They are calling for an

 News Geology

Earth’s core cools faster

The inner core of the Earth is softer than it should be, according to seismic measurements. This could be due to an exotic state of

 News Economics

Educated Germans Bike More

A recent study conducted by sociologist Ansgar Hudde from the University of Cologne has found that people with higher education levels in Germany tend to