News Medicine

No Increased COVID Risk for Transit Workers

A new study conducted by the Charité Research Organisation (CRO) has found that the risk of contracting COVID-19 while using public transportation in Germany is

 News Medicine

Higher Covid-19 Deaths than Reported

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a devastating loss of life worldwide, with the World Health Organization (WHO) reporting 3.2 million deaths as of May 7,

 News Technology

Laser Holograms in the Air

In a breakthrough development, scientists at Brigham Young University’s Electro-Holography Lab have successfully created holograms using two lasers. The holograms appear to float in the

 News Medicine

Germans Want Whiter Teeth

A recent study has found that the majority of Germans desire whiter teeth, with one in four considering professional teeth whitening. However, researchers and medical

 News Medicine

AI predicts athlete performance decline.

A new calculation model has been developed that accurately predicts the decline in athletic performance as individuals age. Led by Bergita Ganse, a professor of

 News Medicine

Physical Labor Makes You Sick

A new study conducted by scientists at the National Research Centre for the Working Environment in Copenhagen has found that high levels of physical activity

 News Medicine

Surge in respiratory infections among children

The aftermath of Covid-19 protective measures in Germany has led to a surge in respiratory infections among children, causing hospitals in some regions to become

 News Environment

Coastal Areas Riddled with Plastic Waste

Plastic waste is a major problem in our oceans, with huge garbage patches floating around. However, Swiss researchers have found that most of the plastic

 News Environment

Internet and Computers Worse than Flights

The internet, data centers, and personal computers are collectively responsible for more CO2 emissions than the global aviation industry. Shockingly, the carbon footprint of the

 News Technology

Mother of Pearl Inspires Shatterproof Glass

Scientists at McGill University have developed a new glass composite material with high fracture resistance, inspired by the structure of mother-of-pearl from seashells. Glass is