News Medicine

Frog foam as wound dressing

The foam produced by Tungara frogs is incredibly stable and is now being considered as a base for a new wound dressing that can release

 News Technology

Electric car repairs cost more

The cost of repairs for electric cars in Germany is significantly higher than for combustion engine vehicles. This is mainly due to manufacturer specifications that

 News Medicine

Safe and Effective Covid-19 Vaccine for 5-11 Year Olds

BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine has been found to be safe and effective in children aged 5 to 11, according to a study involving 4,500 participants. The

 News Psychology

Spider phobia? There’s an app!

Swiss scientists from the University of Basel have developed a smartphone app that uses augmented reality to reduce arachnophobia, or the fear of spiders. The

 News Biology

Ancient Stone Coral Found in Great Barrier Reef

In the Great Barrier Reef, a 430-year-old stone coral with a record diameter has been discovered. The extremely resilient Porites coral has survived around 80

 News Technology

Unpredictable Nuclear Accidents Despite Modern Simulations

Nuclear accidents are highly complex and cannot be accurately simulated even with modern computer technology, according to risk researcher Nikolaus Müllner from the Institute for

 News Technology

Coffee Created in Laboratory

The cost of repairs for electric cars in Germany is significantly higher than for combustion engine vehicles. This is mainly due to manufacturer specifications that

 News Physics

First Evidence of Dark Energy?

In a groundbreaking discovery, the XENON1T dark matter detector may have provided the first experimental evidence of dark energy. Dark energy, which has only been

 News Environment

Germans Unconcerned About Higher CO2 Prices

A majority of Germans support higher CO2 prices, as long as households with low and medium incomes are relieved through “climate checks.” According to a

 News Medicine

LSD induces brain semi-sleep

The consumption of LSD reduces communication between brain structures and leads to a state of semi-consciousness. Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, USA,