News Technology

3D-Printed Salmon Sold in Supermarkets

Revolutionary Vegan Salmon Fillet Produced with 3D Printing Technology Revo Foods, an Austrian start-up specializing in producing vegan meat and fish substitutes using 3D printing

 News Archeology

Ancient Shaman’s Tomb Found in Peru

Archaeologists in Peru have discovered the tomb of a high-ranking religious figure, believed to be around 3,000 years old. The tomb, located near the city

 News Physics

Are We Living in a Simulation?

Physicist Explores the Hypothesis of a Simulated Universe According to the hypothesis of a simulated universe, humans do not live in a real reality but

 News Physics

Plasma Gun Freezes with Precision

In a surprising discovery, researchers at the University of Virginia have developed a cold plasma gun that can cool surfaces for a few microseconds. Plasma,

 News Medicine

Over 61,000 Heat-Related Deaths in Europe

The summer of 2022 was the hottest on record in Europe, with over 61,000 people dying as a result of the high temperatures. If no

 News Medicine

Gut Microbes: Key to Longevity?

A recent study conducted by researchers at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research at the University of Copenhagen has found that the composition

 News Geology

Mapping Antarctica’s Sensitive Glacier Floor

New data has been released that shows the rock beneath the Thwaites Glacier, also known as the Doomsday Glacier, which is the most sensitive glacier

 News Chemistry

Microgel Boosts Juiciness of Plant-Based Meat

A new microgel has been developed that makes plant-based meat juicier when chewed. Researchers hope that this will increase consumer acceptance and reduce problematic meat

 News Environment

More Wind Turbines in Germany

Germany has seen a significant increase in the construction and approval of new wind turbines, but one region is still lagging behind. The federal government

 News Archeology

Discovering Armenia’s Ancient Golden Tomb

In the southwestern region of Armenia lies the remains of Mezamor, one of the largest metropolises of the European Bronze Age. Mezamor was an important