News Archeology

Ancient Anomaly Found in Mesopotamian Bricks

A recent investigation into bricks inscribed with the name of the king under whose reign they were made has revealed important information about a mysterious

 News Medicine

Brain Implants Aid Severe Injuries

A new study published on Monday offers hope to the more than five million Americans who suffer from permanent disabilities due to traumatic brain injuries.

 News Biology

Ötzi’s DNA: Origin, Skin, Hair

A new study by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig and the Institute for Mummies and the Iceman of Eurac Research in

 News Biology

Electric Eels Transfer Genetic Material

Electric bonefish have been found to be capable of causing electroporation in their natural environment, according to a new study by researchers at Nagoya University

 News Environment

Mapping CO2 Levels Over 66 Million Years

A recent study has revealed that our climate system is more sensitive to fluctuations in atmospheric CO2 concentration than previously thought. The study reconstructed the

 News Medicine

FDA approves breakthrough gene therapies

In a groundbreaking development, the first-ever gene-editing drug for a genetic disease has been approved in the United States. Developed by Vertex Pharmaceuticals and CRISPR

 News Medicine

Alcohol Increases Risk of 60+ Diseases

Alcohol Increases Risk of 61 Diseases, Including Previously Unrecognized Ones A study conducted on over 500,000 Chinese individuals has revealed that alcohol consumption increases the

 News Medicine

Power Naps Boost Brain Volume

Regular midday naps have been found to increase brain volume in older adults, reducing the risk of dementia and other cognitive diseases. Recent studies have

 News Technology

Thermomantel: Protecting Electric Cars

A new thermomantle developed in China is set to protect electric car batteries from temperature fluctuations, potentially increasing their lifespan. Researchers at Shanghai Jiao Tong

 News Astronomy

Life after death? Neutron star emits light flashes

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists at Cornell University have found a dead neutron star emitting light flashes. Neutron stars are known as “corpses” in astronomy