News Medicine

Self-Destructing Cancer Cells with Diet

A groundbreaking study has found that a special amino acid diet can cause aggressive cancer cells to self-destruct. Researchers from the University of North Carolina

 News Astronomy

Invisible Black Holes Found by Space Telescope

Astronomers have made a groundbreaking discovery using a new method to detect “invisible” black holes that emit no light. Gaia BH1 and Gaia BH2 are

 News Medicine

Heatwave Claims Lives in 2023

Germany has experienced a significant increase in the number of hot days, according to recent data published by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). The study

 News Psychology

Vaping linked to chronic stress

Young e-cigarette users are unfortunately more likely to suffer from chronic stress, according to a recent study by researchers at the Hospital for Sick Children

 News Technology

China builds world’s largest wind farm

China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC), a state-owned company, has announced plans to build the world’s largest wind turbine, surpassing the current record holder, a wind

 News Technology

Wireless Charging for Electric Cars

Germany is set to install a public test track for electric vehicles that can be charged while driving using magnetic coils embedded in the road.

 News Technology

Germany leads in hydrogen patents.

Germany Leads in Hydrogen Patents in the European Union Germany is leading in the registration of hydrogen patents in the European Union (EU), according to

 News Biology

Golf Course Lake Hosts Sharks

Bull sharks are known for their remarkable adaptability, and a recent study by researchers at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) has highlighted just how impressive this trait

 News Medicine

Non-alcoholic beer harms liver too.

Alcohol-free beer can also harm the liver due to its high sugar content, according to a study by researchers at the Knappschaftskrankenhaus Bochum in Germany.

 News Environment

Heatwaves stress deeper water layers

A new study by the University of Algarve has found that marine heatwaves are becoming more frequent and intense in deeper waters, with potentially devastating