News Chemistry

Fuel from CO2, Water, Light

A new photokatalysis film has been developed by scientists at the University of Cambridge that mimics the natural photosynthesis process of plants, producing organic compounds

 News Medicine

Protective Eyewear Against SARS-CoV-2?

A recent study from China suggests that wearing glasses or face shields may reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The virus primarily enters the body

 News Technology

Air Purifier Reduces COVID Aerosols

New Study Finds Many New Cars and Motorcycles are Unnecessarily Loud According to a recent study by the German Federal Environment Agency, many new cars

 News Medicine

Identifying Mutational Fog as Highly Carcinogenic

APOBEC Enzymes, which are supposed to defend against diseases, are attacking human cells and causing mutation clouds that frequently lead to cancer. Researchers from the

 News Medicine

Medieval remedy beats antibiotics

A thousand-year-old ointment made from ox bile, wine, garlic, and onions has been found to kill many bacteria that are already immune to conventional antibiotics.

 News Medicine

COVID-19 Lockdown Increases Cardiovascular Deaths

The Covid-19 lockdown has had a devastating impact on the treatment of serious health problems such as heart attacks, leading to thousands of deaths in

 News Technology

Whey Membrane Filters Radioactive Water

A revolutionary filter membrane made from whey and activated carbon has been developed by scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH

 News Biology

First virus-eating creature discovered.

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have found single-celled organisms that feed on viruses. Despite viruses being present in almost all living organisms, no creature has

 News Medicine

Hydroxychloroquine doesn’t prevent COVID-19

The University of Pennsylvania conducted a study called “Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 With Hydroxychloroquine” (PATCH) to determine if the prophylactic use of hydroxychloroquine could

 News Medicine

Vitamin D lowers Covid-19 mortality

A Vitamin D deficiency can increase the severity of Covid-19 and quadruple the risk of death in patients over 40 years old, according to a