News Medicine

E-Cigarettes Promote Inflammatory Mouth Bacteria

E-cigarettes Increase Potentially Harmful Bacteria in the Mouth A recent study conducted by scientists at Ohio State University in Columbus has revealed that e-cigarettes can

 News Medicine

Google AI detects breast cancer early

Google Health’s software, DeepMind, is set to aid in the early detection of breast cancer. In a recent study, the accuracy of the Google AI

 News Medicine

Hepatitis-C drugs effective against Covid-19

A recent study conducted by scientists at Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz, Germany, has found that Hepatitis-C medications could potentially be used to treat Covid-19. The team

 News Medicine

Fat-Burning Gene Mutation

A new study by scientists at the Institute for Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences has found that slim people often possess a

 News Medicine

Dogs detect COVID-19 in urine

Dogs can detect COVID-19 infections in urine with the same accuracy as traditional PCR-based virus tests, according to a pilot study by researchers at the

 News Medicine

COVID-19 Speeches Spread Virus Airborne

Talking loudly in enclosed spaces can release more than 100,000 droplets containing SARS-COV-2 viruses per minute, which can remain in the air for up to

 News Chemistry

Stable Silicon Carbonyl Complex Made

In a breakthrough discovery, researchers from the Justus-Liebig-University in Gießen and the University of Duisburg-Essen have found a cost-effective alternative to using rare and expensive

 News Technology

Camera captures 70 trillion images/sec.

A new camera has been developed in the United States that can capture 70 trillion images per second. The technology is expected to be used

 News Environment

Shortened Danube by 134 km.

The Danube River, the second-longest river in Europe, has been shortened by 134 kilometers due to human intervention, according to a recent study. Additionally, only

 News Medicine

Irregular Blood Flow Discovered

A new study by researchers at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST-Austria) has found that blood flows much more turbulently than previously thought.