News Medicine

New Pandemic-Capable Swine Flu Discovered in China

A new strain of swine flu, known as the G4 virus, has been discovered in China. The virus is a descendant of the H1N1 virus

 News Economics

Global Democracy Weakening, Say Scientists

The increasing erosion of political freedoms and the rule of law is not only affecting weaker democracies but also stable ones. According to a recent

 News Medicine

COVID-19 risk high in refugee camps

A recent study conducted by scientists at the University of Bielefeld has found that the risk of Covid-19 infection in communal and collective accommodation for

 News Medicine

COVID-19 Increases Post-Op Mortality

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented challenges to the healthcare system worldwide. A recent study published in The Lancet by the CovidSurg Collaborative, an

 News Medicine

High Rate of Asymptomatic Covid-19 Infections

A recent study conducted by the University of Göttingen has revealed that only a fraction of all Covid-19 infections are being detected. This is due

 News Biology

Moths Hear Ultrasound Frequencies

The Great Wax Moth has an incredibly simple yet powerful hearing ability that can detect ultrasound up to 300 kHz. This is in stark contrast

 News Medicine

Meaningful Life Improves Health

A sense of purpose in life is linked to better physical and mental health, particularly in those over 60 years old, according to a study

 News Environment

Eco-Friendly Coffee Capsules: A Reality

The popularity of coffee capsule systems has been on the rise in recent years, with approximately 3.5 billion coffee capsules consumed in Germany alone last

 News Environment

Replacing Insecticides with Pheromones

Insect pests are responsible for a significant portion of global crop losses. While insecticides protect against the problem, they are heavily criticized in the public

 News Physics

Rainbow-Colored Chocolate Without Additives

A new method for determining the time of death in murder investigations could soon replace the imprecise Henssge model. Currently, forensic investigators use the Henssge