News Medicine

Sleep deprivation increases unhealthy cravings.

Sleep deprivation leads to a disrupted information exchange in the brain, causing people to consume more high-energy foods. According to scientists, a better understanding of

 News Medicine

Green Vegetable Juice for Inflammation and Dental Health

Green vegetable juice contains nitrate, which is converted into a natural anti-inflammatory agent by bacteria in the oral cavity. The juice treatment significantly reduces chronic

 News Medicine

Go Vegetarian to Reduce Gout Risk

Gout, a metabolic disorder caused by the buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints, is becoming increasingly common in industrialized countries, particularly among men.

 News Technology

Bio-Ethanol reduces CO2 and particulate emissions

A new combustion engine developed by scientists at TU Wien in Austria has the potential to make truck transportation significantly more environmentally friendly. The engine

 News Physics

New Theory on Variable Gravity Passes Tests

Scientists have created the world’s first liquid permanent magnet using iron oxide nanoparticles. This new material could potentially be used in robotics in the future.

 News Environment

Global Deforestation Revealed by Satellite Images

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) has created a global map showing the state of forests using 400,000 data sets. Over the past 70 years, humans

 News Environment

Continental and Island Collisions Cause Ice Ages

A new study by scientists at the University of California has revealed that the Earth’s climate has been warm and mild for the majority of

 News Technology

Game-changing Technologies for Our World

The world has undergone significant changes in recent years, thanks to the rapid development of technology and digitization. However, this is just the beginning, and

 News Biology

Combatting Food Moths: Repeat Measures

Persistent and hard to get rid of, food moths are a common problem in many households. The eggs of these insects are highly resistant and

 News Chemistry

Ginger ingredient fights bad breath.

Ginger has been found to combat bad breath and mouth odor, according to a study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. Researchers