News Chemistry

New Sensor Detects Methanol in Alcohol

A new device has been developed that can detect whether alcohol has been mixed with methanol in just two minutes. Additionally, the device can read

 News Medicine

City Rats Spread Resistant Bacteria

A recent study conducted by the Veterinary University of Vienna has found that 60% of rats caught in the city carry multi-resistant bacteria, posing a

 News Physics

Nickel Oxide Crystals Produce Superconductors

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry have created a new superconductor made of nickelate that loses its electrical resistance at minus 258.6 degrees

 News Chemistry

Copper-Palladium Catalyst Creates Graphene from CO2

A new breakthrough in the production of graphene has been achieved by researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany. Graphene, a wonder

 News Medicine

Chinese Herb Fights Black Skin Cancer

A breakthrough in cancer treatment has been discovered by scientists at the University of Graz in Austria. Traditional Chinese medicine has been found to contain

 News Medicine

Cancer-causing Pulegone found in e-cigarette liquids.

A recent study conducted by scientists at Duke University School of Medicine has found that Pulegone, a monocyclic monoterpene ketone, has been detected in high

 News Geology

Lost Continent Discovered Under Europe

The collision of the African and Eurasian tectonic plates in the Mediterranean region has led to the formation of the Alps and other mountain ranges

 News Physics

Neutrino Mass Halved in New Measurement

Neutrinos, also known as ghost particles, are among the most common elementary particles in the universe. Due to their lack of interaction with other matter,

 News Chemistry

Bacteria create biofuel from dairy waste.

A new conversion process has been developed that turns whey, a byproduct of the dairy industry, into fuel, animal feed, and medicine using a bioreactor

 News Medicine

Reduce Heart Disease Risk with Naps

A new study has found that taking one or two short naps per week can reduce stress levels and improve overall health. However, frequent napping