News Medicine

5+ Beers a Week Increases Mortality

A recent study conducted by the University of Cambridge has found that the current alcohol consumption limits set by various countries are too high. The

 News Medicine

Beer triggers dopamine in brain.

Beer contains an ingredient called hordenine that activates the reward center of the brain, similar to the way dopamine does. Researchers at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)

 News Medicine

Moving Human Corpses a Year After Death

A new study published in the Forensic Science International: Synergy journal has revealed that human corpses can move for up to 17 months after death.

 News Medicine

Alcohol-induced brain damage persists

Alcohol consumption can cause inflammation in the brain, which continues to damage nerve tissue even after weeks of abstinence. In Germany, only three percent of

 News Physics

Unsinkable Metal Created

Scientists at the University of Rochester have developed a nanostructure that can make all metals unsinkable. The researchers were inspired by water spiders, fire ants,

 News Chemistry

Eco-friendly Sunscreen from Cashews

Cashew nut shell oil may soon replace traditional sunscreens, which contain harmful ingredients for both users and water organisms. However, clinical studies on skin compatibility

 News Archeology

Ancient Intact Shipwreck Found

Archaeologists from the University of Southampton have discovered a shipwreck in the Baltic Sea off the coast of Sweden that is almost entirely intact despite

 News Medicine

Testosterone has no effect on empathy

A new study has debunked the Extreme Male Brain theory, which posits that testosterone levels significantly affect men’s empathy and even cause autism. The theory,

 News Biology

Cat allergy vaccine for cats coming soon.

A new vaccine has been developed that prevents the formation of an allergy-causing protein in cats. The vaccine has shown no side effects in animal

 News Environment

Record-breaking lightning detected in India.

In December 2014, detectors for cosmic radiation in Ooty, India, detected a record-breaking lightning bolt with an enormous voltage of around 1.3 billion volts. This