News Environment

Massive Algae Carpet Spans Africa to Mexico

A massive algae bloom has formed in the Atlantic Ocean, stretching from West Africa to the Caribbean. Scientists at the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, part

 News Biology

Shark Hunting Seals Revealed in Video

New research has revealed that the hunting behavior of Great White Sharks varies significantly depending on their location. Scientists from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research

 News Chemistry

Record-breaking superconductors with lanthanum hydride

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz have developed a new superconductor that functions at minus 23 degrees Celsius, breaking the previous

 News Medicine

Bargain Hunters More Likely Overweight

A recent study conducted by Cancer Research UK has found that individuals who frequently purchase items on offer are more likely to be overweight or

 News Medicine

Healing Earth with Antibiotic-Producing Bacteria

Scientists have discovered microbes in the alkaline soil of an ancient Druidic site in Northern Ireland that can inhibit the growth of multi-resistant infection-causing bacteria.

 News Environment

Extreme Monster Waves Hit USA

The number of monster waves in the world’s oceans has slightly decreased on average, but according to oceanographers, they are becoming more extreme off the

 News Physics

Antimatter Shows Wave-Particle Duality

The international QUPLAS collaboration has made a groundbreaking discovery by demonstrating interference patterns in antimatter for the first time. This breakthrough could potentially help prove

 News Economics

Few websites get clicks from Google.

A recent study has analyzed the sources of visitors to one billion websites. Shockingly, around 91% of the analyzed sites received no clicks from Google’s

 News Archeology

Angkor Wat temple complex decaying

The famous temple complex of Angkor Wat is at risk of decay due to environmental factors such as groundwater and temperature fluctuations. The sandstone temples

 News Biology

Giant Predator Fossil Found in Africa

In a surprising discovery, paleontologists have found previously unnoticed bones in the archives of the Kenyan National Museum that belong to what is believed to