News Economics

Cheaper Insurance for Solid Homes

Quality pays off, not only in terms of potential building damages, which are usually lower in solid constructions than in lightweight buildings, but also in

 News Medicine

Autonomous Robot Catheter Moves to Heart with Artificial Intelligence

Scientists have successfully tested a robot catheter that can autonomously move through the heart using touch sensors and a mini camera. In animal trials with

 News Technology

Wirelessly Transmit Music via Laser-Frequency Comb

In a groundbreaking study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, scientists at Harvard University have successfully transmitted a radio signal using a

 News Medicine

Equal Lung Damage from Heated Tobacco and Cigarettes

A recent study conducted by independent researchers from India and Australia has found that both tobacco heating devices and e-cigarettes are just as harmful to

 News Medicine

Friction Electricity Powers New Pacemaker

Chinese scientists have developed a triboelectric power supply that generates energy for pacemakers from the movement of the heart. Successful animal trials with pigs have

 News Biology

Wolf hunting leads to more livestock killings.

The paradoxical notion that hunting individual wild wolves increases the number of livestock killed by four percent in the following year has been confirmed by

 News Physics

Atom decay proven after 18 trillion years

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have accidentally observed the rarest process in the universe in an underground laboratory. While searching for dark matter, researchers at

 News Medicine

Brain-Computer Interface Translates Neural Signals

In a groundbreaking study published in the journal Nature, scientists at the University of California in San Francisco have successfully converted neural signals into speech.

 News Biology

Adapted Skeletons Help Fish Survive

In 2017, a new species of fish called Pseudoliparis swirei was discovered in the Mariana Trench at a depth of 8,134 meters. Despite the harsh

 News Medicine

Japan allows human-animal hybrid studies.

The Japanese government has recently passed a law that allows scientists to conduct experiments with human stem cells in animal embryos. The aim of this